Zoltans automatic pool cleaner problem solving

Zoltans Automatic Pool Cleaner works on water flow so any interruption or suction problem will hinder its performance. We recommend sand be changed every 3 years, cartridges breakdown rapidly so regular cleaning and replacement is recommended. DE grids should be acid washed on a regular basis.

The Zoltan Automatic Pool Cleaner is not a four wheel drive.       

Any feedback from service people in all states would be welcome.

Hose will suck-in if cleaner is incorrectly installed and customer does not remove vacuum plate when backwashing.

Problem: Pool cleaner goes for a couple of minutes then stops.
  1. Put sand filter on recirculate if the cleaner works you need a sand change. DE filter acid wash grids.
  2. Air leaks between skimmer box and front of pump, check "o" rings and grease. Check that all connections at vacuum plate are not leaking.
  3. Attach cleaner to bottom of the skimmer. Run pump. If cleaner works then this means skimmer box or vac plate are faulty. (Pool man needed to fix problem)   
  4. Check that speed control is under water, remove skimmer door as the speed control surface skims.
  5. Try running without speed control.
    Problem: ZAPC gets stuck in corner or on stairs.
    1. Check that both hose weights are in the correct position 20cm and second hose weight approx. 150cm from head of cleaner.
    2. Make sure when you backwash that you remove vacuum plate to ensure total cleaning of the sand. Clean all baskets at poolside and most important hose out the basket at the pump as fine particles get trapped in holes causing a blockage and pump to burn out.
    3. All returns should be facing to one side and downwards, water current pushes hose across to one side causing cleaner to stay in one place or corner.
    4. Re position deflector.
      Problem: Pump comes on and cleaner will not move.
      1. Check that vacuum plate is sitting level in skimmer box.
      2. Empty all baskets and backwash.
      3. Check hammer does not have a stone or twig jamming it.
      4. Check water level in pool.
      5. Make sure that cleaner is correctly connected.
      6. Check hose length, when cleaner is connected hose goes to furthest corner plus h meter, any more is too much hose.

      **Speed control has 5 settings not just open and close.

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